Sznupa: Porōwnanie wersyji

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m clean up
m clean up, removed: Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the newformat to al...
Linijŏ 2:
[[Plik:Human-nose.jpg|mały|200px|prawo|Ludzko šnupa]]
'''Šnupa''' to je [[uorgan]], bez kery wprowadzo śe do [[puůca|puůc]] [[luft]]. Luft je we šnupje nawilžany a uoćeplany, na kůduach we šnupje zostajům tyž mjyńše zańyčyščyńo, ńy dowajům jejim wlyźć do puůc. We gůrnyj tajli šnupy sům umjyščůne receptory [[wůńańy|wůńańo]], kere ryagujům na roztomajte [[substancyjo chymično|substancyje chymične]].
Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the newformat to always be used.