Ananas96 15:40, 11 śyr 2010 (UTC)

E.. I don't know your language. Whatever~ Thank you~! --Idh0854 14:15, 12 śyr 2010 (UTC)

Muster:Ort edytuj

"Tyn artikel ńy bůł jeszcze sprawdzůny we poprawnośći zapisowańo Steuerowům uortografijům a gramatycznyj. Jeli zdo Ći śe, co je to fest do porzůndku narychtowany artikel, symńij ta szablůna" - it means: "This article was not checked yet if it is properly written with Steuer-standard of Silesian alphabet, and with grammar rules. If you think that now it is correct, please remove the template".

I will rewrite both Corea-related articles using Steuer standard within this weekend.

Regards Lajsikonik 19:24, 13 śyr 2010 (UTC)

Thank you! --Idh0854 04:11, 14 śyr 2010 (UTC)


In Silesian it will be Pusan, full name Metrolopolijo Pusan. Lajsikonik 07:10, 14 śyr 2010 (UTC)

Metropolijo - Metropolitan City. Lajsikonik 12:58, 14 śyr 2010 (UTC)

Ah. Thank you! --Idh0854 13:27, 14 śyr 2010 (UTC)

'guowa_państwa' edytuj

It means "Head of the State". Lajsikonik 15:07, 16 śyr 2010 (UTC)